2013年5月2日 星期四

Waiting it out

Finally, it's not raining. And I biked to work for the first time in...how many days? a week? 10 days? Not counting the perfectly sunny but non-working days.

Practically no major news coming in the whole day, the bitches at the editing desk exercising remarkable restraint, a feeling of euphoria that only days ago had seemed to be irrevocably lost, quietly returned to the office.

Knocking off, on my way home, the bike's front wheel snagged again on the elevated braking pads. Frustrated, I lowered the braking arm only so slightly, to make room for the movement of the rim, and it worked. Just like that. The wheel turned again. It took only 2 second, and I don't know why I had never thought of doing it until the 100th breakdown.

Looks like, sometime the best and only thing you can do, is to wait it out.

