2013年5月7日 星期二

Bozos with Big Guns

The sun is hot even before 9:30. But I need more reasons to cheer up.

Modern jobs forced us to divide life into working and non-working days. At work, you have too little control over what you can or can not do. At home, you have too much control to figure out what you want or don't want to do.

Took a nap after lunch. Still restless, I picked up the history book bought a few days ago, started reading, and was quickly drawn into the narrative.
Most westerners are not threatened by death as long as they can avoid epidemics. In contrast, aboriginals in New Guinea are killed sooner by neighboring tribesman than by infectious germs, which can only survive in densely-populated cities. It stands to reason, that in order to survive the many perils of tribalism, aboriginals would evolve into a smarter people through natural selection, and western societies would more likely be left with a physically stronger, but not particularly intelligent type of offspring. So why then, if the general tribesmen have more brains than your average western civilians, is the world today dominated by Europeans and Americans, and not by the New Guineans? 

