2013年5月9日 星期四


The dream was so real, and I found out what they mean by "he woke up in a cold sweat."

I was in some kind of tour, like the ones 6th and 9th graders have before they graduate, and the tour had just ended, everyone were in the bus ready to leave with their luggages loaded, except me.

I had a strong feeling that this is not the first time I had dreams along this theme, but dreams being dreams, nothing is certain.

I was along in the hotel room, trying frantically to find the one very important personal belonging that I had forgot and had to retrieve, even when the bus was leaving to catch the plane.

In the dream, the sense of hopelessness is absolute, like the moments when you are in the air hurtling toward the street, falling off the height of a building. There's simply nothing you can do.

I rarely had dreams. Or rarely had dreams that I still remembers after I woke up. Is it the weather? It's been unusually warm the past few nights, as warm as summer. So it must be.

It tells me that I need a vacation. One at the beach. By car, and WITHOUT BUSES.

