2014年7月27日 星期日

Apocalypse Now

It's a wonder I am still alive, and the world still functions as usual. The heat in the afternoon was stuff from post-apocalyptic films, the kind that destroys all but a few survivors, hunting and scavenging like Robinson Crusoe, everyday a drama.

I myself would be one of the cast, bitching and arguing with the lead character, impatient with the unbearable situation, decided to act alone and soon become a manifestation of supporting-role stupidity by falling off the ridge/stumbling into a horde of zombies/being consumed by a vortex of sharks.

Fortunately,  by nightfall, the heat has lessened and I was able to think more clearly. We watched a couple of episodes of Grand Design and Country Life on BBC, and talked about our retirement plan, musing over possible location, like Taichung or Chang-Hua.

I had a headache almost all day, felt better only after dinner. They say office coffee addicts often feel nauseous during weekends. I definitely need to go out and resupply my stock first thing tomorrow.

